Teaching Assistant (TA) Information (MAE)

MAE: Teaching Assistant (TA) Information

Each quarter (including summer sessions), TAs are selected by the MAE department to assist our faculty (Instructor of Record) with the instruction of undergraduate courses required for our majors. Traditionally, graduate students are only allowed to hold only one (1) TA position during any given quarter, and may not be selected for a TAship if they have been granted a GSR for the associated quarter. 

  • MAE PhD students are given priority for MAE TA placements. 
    • MAE M.S students may apply for a TA position, however, placement/funding is not guaranteed. 


TA Eligibility Criteria

NOTE: The applicant is responsible for reading, understanding and following the requirements below. Incomplete TA applications will be rejected. 
To qualify for a TA position, the applicant must complete the following:
  1. Attendance Verification for TA Orientation (only completed once): Click here for additional information
  2. International students must have passed the Test of Oral English Proficiency (TOEP) prior to submitting a TA application (if they did not graduate from an English speaking University or received less than a 105 on their TOEFL exam). Conditional pass does not meet TA qualification.
  3. Registration in at least (12) units is required and applicant must be in good academic standing. Students on Academic Probation may be disqualified from holding a TA position.
  4. Applicant must meet the employment eligibility requirements listed on the Office of Graduate Studies website: found here.

TA Job Duties

  • Duties may vary by course and are based on the supplemental contract signed by both the Instructor of Record and the TA.
  • Common duties include: conducting a discussion section or laboratory experiments, proctoring quizzes or exams, holding office hours and grading. 
  • The TA is responsible (after accepting a TA offer) to connect with the Instructor of Record no later than one week before the quarter begins to discuss the specific duties, sections and office hours. The faculty and the TA will sign a Supplemental Contract to solidify the expectations for the course during the quarter.   (Click here for the fillable PDF).
  • Mandatory registration in MAE 396 associated with the course (information listed below). 


TA Application Process

NOTE: All communication from the MAE graduate coordinator will be sent to your UC Davis email address. Please check this daily.
  • Notification of open application
  • All MAE graduate students will be sent a general message to their UC Davis email when the application for TA opens. The MAE department uses the Instructional Planning & Administration (IPA) tool to record TA preferences. Please make sure to note all deadlines, instructions and requirements to be eligible for consideration. 
  • Course options for TAship
  • Applicants may select up to (5) undergraduate courses they are interested in for a TAship.

    NOTE: Final TA placement is at the department's discretion and based on department need, not applicant selections. 
  • Placement Priority
  • The MAE department will place TAs according to the following structure:

    First placement: MAE PhD Students
    Second placement: MAE MS Students
    Third placement: Graduate students in other departments (it is rare that additional TAships are available for graduate students outside of MAE).


Mandatory Enrollment into MAE (396)

FINAL STEP: Complete the Teaching Assistant (TA) Supplemental Contract

Graduate students who have been approved for TAship must also complete the Supplemental Contract. This form outlines the duties and expectations of your role as TA in the appointed course for the upcoming quarter.

Click here for the fillable PDF for this application.

This form should be completed and signed by the TA and the faculty of the course no later than the 2nd week of the quarter the TAship is to take place. 

Completed and signed supplemental contracts can be submitted to the Box folder below. 

- Box Folder for Summer 2024

- Box Folder for Fall 2024


Frequently Asked Questions

  • I missed the deadline for the TA application, what happens now?
  • That is unfortunate, as all of the TA placements for MAE may already be filled. We frequently post open TA calls from other departments on the MAE Grad Padlet. Also, check Handshake for other TAships, job opportunities or internships. If additional TA spaces are available after initial placements, an email will be sent from the MAE graduate program coordinator to all MAE graduate students.
  • I am not a MAE graduate student, can I be considered for a TA position in the MAE Department?
  • MAE students receive a high priority for TA positions. Realistically, the number of MAE applicants far outnumber the TA positions available. So, rarely would we accept applications from non-MAE graduate students. Check Handshake for other TAships, job opportunities or internships.
  • What is the percentage/stipend for a TA position?
  • Typically, the MAE department employs TAs for a 25% appointment for most courses (10 hours per week). The salary is based on the current TA salary table which is experience-based [link]. For example starting in 2023-24 AY, a 25% TAship at salary point 1 (with 0-2 quarters TA experience) is proportionate to $1,353.96/month. 

    Some lab courses may require higher percentages based on the work hours required. The salary will increase proportionally and the salary point will be based on TA-quarter experience.
  • Does a TAship cover Non-Resident Student Tuition (NRST) (applicable to non-CA domestic or international students)?
  • No. TAship covers tuition, fees and health insurance only. The student is responsible for paying the NRST and local fees as noted in the TA offer letter.
  • I was selected for a TA position that I didn't choose, do I have to accept?
  • This is at your discretion. If the course assigned isn't a fit, please sign, date and decline the TA offer according to the instructions sent in the initial TA email. 

    NOTE: There is no guarantee that you will be offered a different TAship within the MAE department. You are strongly encouraged to contact other departments or check Handshake to inquire about other TA opportunities.
  • The course I was assigned to says, "The Staff", what do I do?
  • The “Staff” designation is listed when the assignment of Instructor of Record (IOR) is delayed. In this instance, focus on the course assigned to you. The graduate coordinator will send an email of all selected TAs and the (IOR) for the course when they have been assigned.
  • I have submitted my TA Application/General Interest Form/TA Offer Letter and Supplemental Contract, now what?
  • Be patient, as the TA selection process takes time. Multiple emails sent to our department to check the status of your submitted forms slows down the process. You will receive an email from the graduate coordinator if additional information/action is needed.
  • I found out I was awarded a GSR for the quarter I planned to TA, what happens?
  • Discuss your TAship-GSRship offers with your major professor to ensure your timeline for advancement or time to degree is not delayed. If you plan to decline the TAship, inform the MAE graduate program coordinator immediately.
  • What if I want to TA in Summer Session with the MAE Department?
  • Summer Session TAs are selected by the teaching plan committee. This can be in conjunction with the Instructor of Record (IOR) for a particular course. There is not a TA application for the summer, however, you may note that you are interested in a TAship over the summer by emailing the graduate program coordinator.