Make Sure You Meet Course Prerequisite Requirements

Prerequisite requirements for every course are listed in the General Catalog and Schedule Builder.

To ensure that all students are appropriately prepared to learn course materials, prerequisites in engineering courses are enforced. Course prerequisites are checked by the Schedule Builder registration system. If the system is unable to find an adequate prerequisite in a student’s record, students will initially be blocked from course registration. However, students may tentatively enroll in the course by submitting a prerequisite petition. The petition will be reviewed by the course instructor at a later date, usually after Pass 2. If the petition is denied, the student will be dropped from the course.

How to Write a Petition in Schedule Builder

If you have satisfied the prerequisites from another institution, please include:
  • Name and number of the course that satisfies the prerequisite (e.g., ENG 035).
  • Final grade (e.g., B+).
  • Name of the college or university where you completed the class.
  • When you took the course (e.g., spring 2016).
  • Additional information you may have or any supporting documentation (e.g., syllabus, digital copy of your transcript and/or course substitution approval email from Engineering Undergraduate Office).

Once you submit the petition, you cannot go back and edit. If you need to amend your petition, you will need to contact the instructor directly. Don’t forget to click REGISTER for the course after submitting the petition.

For additional information, please visit this Office of University Registrar webpage.